What is the best way to keep our skin looking young?

What is the best way to keep our skin looking young?

keep our skin looking youngAs some of you may know, the skin is the body’s largest organ and is responsible for protecting all other organs, fluid balance, temperature, protection from the environmental hazards, such as ultraviolet rays and harsh chemicals. But the skin needs protecting, too. There are many ways to keep our skin looking young.

It’s quite obvious when someone has been fastidious about skin care, and when someone hasn’t.

How To Keep Our Skin Looking Young?

Consider a dramatic study conducted in which researchers recruited nearly 200 sets of identical twins who were attending the annual twin festival in Twinsburg, Ohio. Since twins are “genetically programmed’’ to age the same way it confirmed the strongest factors that contribute to aging are what I see in my office everyday: smoking, sun damage and stress.

“Based on the assessment, 10 years of smoking added about 2.5 additional years of aging to a twin’s face, compared to a twin who didn’t smoke. Sun exposure, particularly among those who spent a lot of time outside playing golf or tennis, also increased the appearance of aging.”[1]

Click on this link, scroll through a few photographs, and I think the difference will astound you.


[1] Dr. Bahman Guyuron of University Hospitals at Case Medical Center in Cleveland


Author Info

E. Ronald Finger MD, FACS